Wednesday, May 23, 2007

One-Time Web Offer Expired? Get a Second Chance Using Cookies!

One-Time Web Offer Expired? Get a Second Chance Using Cookies!

How often have you closed a web window that was offering a one-time-only deal? Probably every week? Have you ever regretted it; tried to go back to the web page, only to find that you could no longer bring that offer back up? Here is one solution that will take you back in time to give you a second chance to consider that one-time offer. You do it by removing a simple file or two from your Cookies folder.

For an offer such as this to work, the website has to be able to know whether you have looked at it previously. The only way it can do so is by setting a cookie (leaving a tiny file in the Cookies folder on your hard drive).

When you browse a site, the web software usually leaves a Cookie file on your hard drive. It also looks for its own special cookies whenever you log onto the site.

If the software finds no previous cookie, it determines that you are a new visitor. In this case, you will then be presented with that "special", "one-time only" deal. But if the software finds that telltale cookie, too bad ... it will deny you a second chance for that golden opportunity!

That precious page or window containing the offer will forever remain closed to you. Or so most people would believe.

But what if that cookie was no longer there? What if it had been deleted?

Although the cookie file is someone else's, the hard drive is yours, and you are perfectly within your rights to delete any file on your own computer. After all, that web site never asked your permission to write onto your hard drive, nor should you feel obligated to store any file simply for their convenience.

Now that our consciences are clear about that, we can go into how to delete the right cookie in order to be "reconsidered" for a "final" offer. Remember, all we are doing here is re-opening negotiations.

Suppose Garry Goodbuy at is having a special sale. Usually, this sort of deal is available only through Garry's "good friend" Penelope Purchasewise at, whose newsletter you receive every week. Of course, Penny is collecting an affiliate commission on every sale made via her link to Garry. So Penny builds up the excitement around this offer before handing you over to Garry's site.

To get you to break out your credit card before you leave Garry's site the sale is pitched as a one-time-only, now-or-never, offer. BUY NOW OR LOSE OUT!

Being a prudent Internet shopper, you decide to close out the web page and look around to see if this really is such a great deal. After your research you decide to buy the amazing thing that Good Old Garry was pitching, so you navigate back to where you found his deal.

This time the offer doesn't come up at all. It's invisible, gone, doesn't exist any more! What happened? What do you do now?

Easy enough: simply look into your Cookies folder for any recent files from final-offer-forever, and from some-other-web-site. Then you delete them. Now they no longer exist; so far as Garry is concerned, they never have.

Now re-trace your browsing path, in this case from Penny's newsletter, through her link to that "final" offer from Garry. Guess what? You are welcomed back with open arms to that very same "last-and-final" offer. Once again!

By removing the right cookie or two you have won a second chance. Congratulations! Absolutely nobody's feelings will ever be hurt, either; the people selling that wonderful product will still be delighted to take your money!


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